Latest News from the Partnership.
Memphis River Parks Partnership works with and for the people of Memphis to trigger the transformative power of our river.

The north gate to Mud Island Park is getting a facelift! Coming soon: a new, enhanced visitor experience, better aesthetics and more clearly defined movement patterns.
Imagine a big, dreamy play space for your grandchildren. A space tucked amid solid oaks and small hills that form comfortable, safe rooms with ample shade. Space filled with wondrous wooden river creatures standing 30 feet tall, made for climbing and exploring. Space that feels right whether you are eight or 80 years old.
The transformation of the most visible real estate in Memphis — Tom Lee Park — is well underway. What was a flat and largely featureless 31 acres of open space is becoming a stunning, natural, inviting place for all of Memphis and Shelby County with Tom Lee’s legacy of kindness, generosity and empathy at the forefront.
Originally published in The Best Times, February 2022.
Submit Poetry and Spoken Word Entries Here Read the Tom Lee Contest Rules and Guidelines Memphis River Parks Partnership, with support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The Mississippi River is at its widest and wildest as it flows by Memphis. We are lucky to sit at a uniquely spectacular spot on the river and to look across to unspoiled wetlands in Arkansas. The new Tom Lee Park will finally be worthy of the river flowing alongside it.
Internationally acclaimed artist and social innovator Theaster Gates is creating a new, site-specific artwork for Tom Lee Park.
Ensuring safe, convenient and joyful access to the river is a priority for Memphis River Parks Partnership.
This morning, we have very good news to bring you. Yesterday, the Mayor’s Riverfront Steering Committee has issued its final approval for construction documents for the Cutbank Bluff, Tom Lee Park and Riverside Drive.
With bits of misinformation pushing into social media and beyond, there may be some confusion about important aspects of a major coming attraction for Memphis. (Those with long memories may remember similar rumors being spread on FedEx Forum while it was being built…)